Oct 16, 2024  
2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog 
2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog [Not Current Academic Year. Consult with Your Academic Advisor for Your Catalog Year]

Global Citizens Credential

Programs & Degrees  > Special Programs  > Global Citizens Credential

Undergraduate students have the option to pursue global careers in the foreign service, international institutions, non-governmental international organizations, or multinational corporations to mention a few. The Global Citizens Credential (GCC) will allow students to enhance their degrees with a set of core competencies that will distinguish them as global citizens. These core competencies are identified as global knowledge, global engagement, and global responsibility. Completion of GCC requirements is certified by the Office of the Provost - UH Global and the Office of the Registrar.

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon completion, students who obtain the GCC will be able to:

  • Obtain knowledge of cross-cultural and cross-national issues to comfortably function in highly diverse working environments.
  • Develop skills and competencies to effectively form relationships and perspectives taking, among others, under various cross-cultural settings.
  • Acquire competency in written and oral communication in at least one foreign language.
  • Explain the main problems faced by certain countries or regions of the world by in terms of their origins, impacts, and potential solutions available.
  • Identify the various differences and similarities that shape the ways countries embark in their quest for growth and development.
  • Demonstrate the ability to analyze some of the conceptual frameworks used to understand the globalization process and apply intercultural knowledge to global problems.

Eligibility and Criteria

Points Required: Minimum 10 to Maximum 16, in addition to other requirements

The GCC is open to any UH undergraduate student who is not facing any disciplinary action and is in good academic standing as reflected by a cumulative grade point average of 2.00 or above. The student declares an undergraduate major in his/her established academic department and then focuses in global studies as laid out in this credential. There is no fee involved to the student to apply for the GCC.

The GCC is based on five categories:

  • global courses
  • learning abroad
  • language proficiency
  • global scholarly work
  • intercultural activities.

The student needs to demonstrate involvement or participation in each one of these categories and earn at least 10 out of a possible 16 points, regardless of the category in order to receive the GCC. The student is also required to participate in a Capstone Symposium during the student’s final semester.

Global Courses

(2 or 4 points)

This category requires the successful completion of certain upper-level courses from the global subject areas listed. It is not an exclusive list. Courses under other subject areas may also be accepted as alternatives with consent of the UH Global Advisory Council as well as the appropriate Associate Dean in the college or school that offers those courses. The courses included have been selected based on their minimum level of global content, offer opportunities to build intercultural competencies and skills, relevancy for fostering cross-national understanding, and/or addressing problem-solving in a global context.

The specific rubrics for labeling a course as “global” refer to:

  • course materials drawn from international sources or overseas locations,
  • lectures focused on cross-country comparisons,
  • class discussions or presentations of real world issues, and/or
  • exams or research assignments requiring global awareness, knowledge, and perspectives.

Students will receive 2 points after completing two courses from the list of approved global area courses or 4 points after completion of any explicitly international or global studies minor.

Learning Abroad

(2 or 4 points)

Learning Abroad is an important platform for building global competencies. There is no substitute for firsthand, on-the-ground experience to stimulate awareness and reflection not only of the host culture but of one’s home culture as well.  Learning abroad broadly defined as study abroad, internship, research, service learning, and volunteerism provides students the opportunity to be skilled at interacting in another culture while building professional perspectives on academic subjects and real-world issues. They come back with a more sophisticated worldview which, in turn, allows them to become more marketable for global careers.

To obtain points in this category, students are expected to participate in a learning abroad experience with a UH academic program overseas (faculty-led, reciprocal exchange, or affiliated program) or with a documented professional activity abroad (internship, research, service learning, or volunteerism). They will receive 2 points for an academic or professional learning experience abroad lasting at least 7 days or 4 points for an academic or professional learning experience abroad lasting more than 7 days.

Language Proficiency

(2 or 4 points)

Language proficiency is defined to mean successful completion of two semester-long sophomore-level (intermediate) or junior-level (advanced) foreign language courses taken either at UH or as part of a language immersion program where UH credit is awarded. An exception will be given for language fluency wherein a student has already passed placement tests or determining oral and written communication proficiency levels with a UH faculty member.

Students will receive 2 points after successful completion of two sophomore-level foreign language courses for UH credit with at least a “B” or two junior-level foreign language courses for UH credit with a “C” or better (or received equivalent credit based on the Spanish Heritage Language Test in the case of Spanish Heritage Language learners), or 4 points after successful completion of a UH foreign language minor.

Global Scholarly Work

(1 or 2 points)

Students should actively engage in various intellectual traditions by attending conferences, seminars, symposia, or workshops that address global issues. Alternatively, they may also undertake a more proactive role by presenting a globally-related paper at any of the above-mentioned venues within their disciplines.

Students can fulfill the requirements for this category either locally, throughout the U.S., or abroad to the extent it has an international reach. They will receive 1 point to reward their attendance or participation in a conference, seminar, symposia, or workshop that involves a global dimension. Students will receive 2 points if they have taken a proactive role in authoring or co-authoring a scholarly work with international collaborators such as foreign embassies, international banking institutions, non-governmental organizations, multinational enterprises, think-tanks, or research and development institutes.

Intercultural Activities

(1 or 2 points)

Active participation and leadership in certain on and off-campus international organizations or events enhances cultural sensitivity and develops skills necessary to create global awareness and effectively interact and communicate in cross-cultural settings. The identified intercultural activities should lead to a clear understanding of cultural self-awareness and foster ways in which the student’s worldview can be broadened. These activities should improve the student’s ability to effectively communicate on cultural topics with diverse audiences. Students will report their involvement in the following internationally-related organizations or events:

Students will receive 1 point after demonstrating active participation by attending at least one session, seminar, or workshop from the above list of organizations or events or 2 points after taking a leadership role in any of the above-listed organizations or events. The activity must be reviewed beforehand by UH Global so that it can be validated by the program administrator. UH Global will post each semester a list of pre-approved activities on the GCC website with their associated unit value.

Capstone Symposium

Students will be required to attend a Capstone Symposium once they have completed the minimum number of points required to earn the GCC. The idea is for them to integrate and reflect on the concepts, ideas, and knowledge they have acquired over the GCC experience. The Capstone Symposium will allow students to broaden their awareness of the most fundamental social, legal, economic, political, and technological dimensions the world faces. UH Global will offer the Capstone Symposium at least twice a year. There will be a variety of formats where a relevant global issue(s) will be described or presented before opening up the floor for discussion.


The GCC will be housed in UH Global in an effort to enhance the international educational exposure of the students. The GCC process for advertising, determination of eligibility and certification, and programmatic planning will reside solely with the UH Global office.

UH Global staff will work closely with the Office of the Registrar to annually review and update the pre-approved list of active global courses. UH Global staff will also ensure there are sufficiently acceptable global courses to enable students from any major to complete the GCC within their 120-SCH degree plan. Undergraduate academic advisers neither determine eligibility nor certify the GCC.

GCC candidates will submit all relevant criteria materials to UH Global at any point throughout the academic year. UH Global will periodically monitor the degree to which the GCC meets its established goals. Students interested in earning the GCC will face the following pathways: 

  1. Students submit a GCC application to UH Global either before graduation or when they apply for graduation

    1. Students who have not yet taken global courses

      • UH Global staff directs students to the list of global courses available and refers them to their academic advisers on their major

    2. Students who have already taken global courses

      • UH Global staff verifies in MyUH if the global courses have been taken and passed

  2. In a student’s final semester, UH Global will:

    1. duly verify the completion of the GCC criteria by the students.

    2. provide to the Office of the Registrar the documentation confirming the completion of the GCC once degree completion has been conferred by UH.


Upon successful completion of the requirements for the GCC, the Office of the University Registrar will add a notation to the student’s transcript. Student will also receive a certificate signed by the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost and a cord or sash to wear at the graduation ceremony identifying them as having completed the GCC.