Oct 16, 2024  
2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog 
2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog [Not Current Academic Year. Consult with Your Academic Advisor for Your Catalog Year]

Definition of Terms and Course Numbering


The Definition of Terms section provides a guide to the terminology of academic regulations, procedures, and course descriptions. The section entitled Course Numbering explains the significance of the course numbering system used at the University of Houston. This is generic information only; for specific course descriptions or degree requirements, see the appropriate department listing.

Definition of Terms

Academic advising. Process in which students interact with university staff/faculty advisors in decision-making, problem solving, and long-range planning related to the students’ academic goals.

Academic standing. See Academic Standing  section of this catalog.

Academic warning. Freshman students who earn less than a 2.00 grade point average in the first long term (i.e., Fall or Spring) of enrollment at UH are placed on academic warning. Students on academic warning are not on probation and cannot be suspended. Undeclared students on academic warning must be advised by advisors at Exploratory Studies at UH . Students with majors must be advised by advisors of their major departments.See Academic Standing  section of this catalog.

Advanced courses (upper level). For undergraduate students, these normally are courses offered on the junior and senior levels (3000, 4000, and 5000 series).

Attempted hours. Course work for which a student earns a letter grade of A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, D-, F, I, S, U, or W.

Audit. To take a course without credit. Approval required and fees assessed.

Class schedule. See Course Listings.

College or school. One of 17 major academic divisions  within the university that offers specialized curricula.

Core Curriculum. Courses that must be taken by candidates for any bachelor’s degree. See Academic Regulations and Degree Requirements  section of this catalog.

Corequisite. A course that must be taken at the same time as, or prior to, the course described.

Course listings. Online list of courses and sections for a specific term, including names of instructors; day, hour, and place of class meetings; and detailed enrollment (registration) procedures.

Course load. The number of semester hours for which a student enrolls in a given term.

Credit (see semester hour). Certification given for successful completion of academic work.

Cumulative grade point average (see grade points). The cumulative grade point average is based upon work taken at the University of Houston, including courses that are repeated, for which grade point values are assigned. The cumulative grade point average indicates overall performance and is computed by dividing the total number of grade points earned by the number of semester hours attempted, excluding hours for which a grade of S, U, I, or W is earned.

Degree plan. A statement of degree requirements, made no later than the time the student has accumulated 60 credit hours.

Department. Division of instruction within a college, such as Department of Chemistry in the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics.

Double major. A baccalaureate degree with two majors. Both majors must be the same type of degree (e.g., B.A., B.S., B.F.A., etc.).

Drop. Official dropping of one or more, but not all, of the courses for which students are enrolled. Usually initiated by students but can be done in certain instances by faculty or other campus personnel. University policy and State law limit the number of drops a student may have in their college career. See also: Withdrawal

Elective. A course which is not specifically designated but which students choose to take as part of their degree plan.

Enrollment (see registration). Selection of classes and payment of tuition and fees.

Former student. A University of Houston student not enrolled in classes at UH for the term currently in session.

Good academic standing. An undergraduate student with a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.00 or above is considered to be in good academic standing with the university. See Academic Standing  section of this catalog.

Grade points (see cumulative grade point average). Points per semester hour assigned to passing grades, according to the numerical values of the grades.

Graduate study. Academic work toward the master’s or doctoral degree.

Laboratory. Descriptive of work other than class work, such as experimentation and practical application.

Lecture. A class session in which an instructor speaks on a specific topic.

Letter Grade. Includes grades of A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, D-, F, I, S, U, or W.

Major. Primary field of study . Students may choose one or two.

Major, unspecified. This designation, which may be used by freshmen enrolling in certain colleges, indicates that students have selected the college, but not a specific major within the college.

Minor. Secondary field of study.

Negative service indicator. A hold placed on an account that prevents the student from receiving certain services pending resolution of any academic, disciplinary, or financial problem.

Nonadvanced courses. Courses offered on the freshman and sophomore levels (1000 and 2000 series).

Noncredit course. A course for which no credit can be earned.

Overload . Course load of more semester hours than students are normally permitted to schedule in a given period, requiring approval of the college dean.

Petition. A formal request to be filed at the appropriate office for a specific academic action, such as a waiver for a degree requirement.

Postbaccalaureate. Students who have degrees but are not enrolled in a formal graduate degree program.

Prerequisite. Requirement to be met before a certain course may be taken.

Priority enrollment (registration). The first cycle of computer-aided enrollment, which allows students to enroll well in advance of a term.

Probation, academic or disciplinary. A status resulting from unsatisfactory grades or conduct. See Academic Standing  section of this catalog.

Readmission. Students must petition for permission to reenroll at the University of Houston depending on their academic standing and length of time since last enrollment. Readmission is neither automatic nor guaranteed. See Readmission for Former UH Students .

Records, permanent. Cumulative record of students’ courses, grades, credits, classification, address, student ID number, etc.

Registration. Enrollment for a term, including selection of classes and payment of tuition and fees.

School or college. One of 15 major academic divisions within the university that offers specialized curricula.

Section. A division of a course for instruction. A course may be taught in one or more sections or classes, depending on enrollment in the course.

Semester hour. Unit of measurement of college work. One semester hour is normally equivalent to one hour of class work or from two to six hours of laboratory work per week for a term

Seminar. A small group of advanced students engaged in special study under the guidance of a faculty member.

Stop (see negative service indicator). Placed on an account pending resolution of any academic, disciplinary, or financial problem.

Student number. Students’ MyUH ID numbers are their permanent identification numbers.

Summer session. Term of study during which courses are offered in sessions of various lengths. Each session (Summer Session 1, Summer Session 2, Summer Session 3, Summer Session 4) is equivalent to a semester in terms of class hours and credit granted.

Suspension, academic or disciplinary. A status in which students are not permitted to enroll for courses for a specified time period. See Academic Standing  section of this catalog.

Texas Common Course Numbering System (TCCNS). A cooperative effort among Texas community colleges and universities to facilitate transfer of freshman and sophomore level general academic courses. Provides a shared, uniform set of course designations for students and advisors to use in determining both course equivalency and degree applicability of transfer credit on a statewide basis.

See the section on TCCNS in this catalog  for UH equivalent courses. Texas Common Course Numbers are also indicated in the individual class course descriptions in brackets following the UH course number (i.e., 2304: [ECON 2302] Microeconomic Principles).

Texas Higher Education Assessment (THEA). An examination designed to provide diagnostic information about the reading, mathematics, and writing skills of each student.

Texas Success Initiative (TSI). A program to ensure that students enrolled in public colleges and universities possess the academic skills needed to perform effectively in college level course work. TSI includes an examination, Texas Higher Education Assessment (THEA), designed to provide diagnostic information about the reading, mathematics, and writing skills of each student.

Transcript. The record of an individual student, listing course work, grades earned, and credits received.

Tuition and fee statement. The statement of account will only be posted electronically in myUH.

Undergraduate study. Work taken toward a baccalaureate degree.

Withdrawal. Official withdrawal from all courses during a term at the university. Students usually initiate withdrawal; under certain circumstances faculty or other campus personnel may take this action. See also: Drop

Course Numbering

All courses are identified by instructional area and number. The first digit of the four-digit number indicates course level (1-freshman, 2-sophomore, etc.). The second digit corresponds exactly with the number of semester hours of credit given for the course. The third and fourth digits are for departmental use.

Nonadvanced hours for undergraduate students are courses in the 1000 and 2000 series. Advanced hours for undergraduate students are courses in the 3000, 4000, and 5000 series. Courses in the 6000 series and higher are primarily for graduate students and are listed in the university’s Graduate and Professional Studies catalog.

Each course listed shows the semester hours of credit assigned to that specific course, for example, Cr. 3, following the course title. This information is usually followed by hyphenated numbers such as (2-3), which designate lecture-laboratory hours. The first digit indicates the number of class hours per week in the lecture portion of the course. The second digit indicates the number of class hours per week reserved for the laboratory portion of the course.